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CAT 2023: Factors Influencing IIM Admission Criteria Beyond CAT Scores

Securing a spot at a prestigious Indian Institute of Management requires more than just having high Common Admission Test scores. To entice gifted students to their MBA programs, the top IIMs in the nation use a thorough, multi-criteria selection procedure. All IIMs have their own admissions process, with varying weights assigned to different criteria and an admissions exam.

IIM Ahmedabad

Over the past several years, there has been a significant decrease in the weightage of CAT scores for both shortlisting and final selection. According to the most recent admissions policy of IIM Ahmedabad, the CAT score now only has a 25% weighting for final selection, down from a 75% weighting during shortlisting. The PI that IIM-A has given the highest weight—50%—in the final selection process is given more importance.

IIM Ahmedabad admission criteria

Shortlisting Criteria Weightage (in %)
CAT score 65
Class 10 marks 30
Class 12 marks 5
Graduation marks 5
Work experience 5
Final selection criteria Weightage (in %)
Cat Score 25
Class 10 marks 15
Class 12 marks 10
Graduation marks 10
work experience 10
writing ability test 10
personal interview 50

IIM Bangalore

Graduation marks have also been reinstated by IIM Bangalore as a criterion in the selection and final stages. 10% of a candidates selection and 5% of their final MBA admission will be based on their college graduation results. The admission policy for 2022 lacked this element.

IIM Bangalore admission criteria

Shortlisting Criteria     Weightage (in %)
CAT score 55
Class 10 marks 10
Class 12 marks 10
Graduation marks 10
Work Experience 10
Gender Diversity 5
Final Selection Criteria Weightage (in %)
CAT score     25
Class 10 marks 5
Class 12 marks 5
Graduation marks 5
Work experience 10
Writing ability test 10
Personal interview 40

IIM Calcutta

The admissions policy at IIM Calcutta remains unchanged from the previous year. The institute has not given graduation scores any weight during the shortlisting procedure, and the CAT 2023 cut-off for MBA programs will stay at the 85 percentile, just like it did last year. However, for applicants in the general category, the sectional cut-off for quantitative aptitude has been lowered to the 75 percentile, and for those in the reserved category, the required percentile has been lowered to 65. In the ultimate selection phase, PI receives the maximum weight (48%) while WAT receives only 8%. In the final selection phase, the weight assigned to CAT scores is thirty percent. For non-engineering degrees and professional credentials, the weight assigned to academic diversity is six percent.

IIM Calcutta admission criteria

Shortlisting Criteria     Weightage (in %)
CAT score 56
Class 10 marks 10
Class 12 marks 15
Gender Diversity 4
Final Selection Criteria Weightage (in %)
CAT score 30

Academic diversity at bachelors and masters level

Work experience 8
Writing ability test 8
Personal interview 48

IIM Lucknow

IIM Lucknow released its MBA admissions policy first since it is hosting this years CAT 2023 exam. During the shortlisting phase, IIM Lucknow has given each academic and gender diversity 5% of the total weight. The CAT 2023 exam score was given 60% weighting at the shortlisting phase, but was reduced to 30% during the final selection process by IIM Lucknow. The last step will be weighted 50% by the combined weight of the personal interview and WAT. As per the most recent admission criterion of IIM Lucknow, an applicant needs to score at least 12 out of 40 in order to pass the PI round.

IIM Lucknow admission criteria

Shortlisting Criteria     Weightage (in %)
CAT score 60
Class 10 marks 10
Class 12 marks 10

Graduation marks

Work Experience 5
Gender Diversity 5
Final Selection Criteria Weightage (in %)
CAT score 30
Class 10 marks 5

Class 12 marks

Graduation marks 5
Work experience 5
Writing ability test 10
Personal interview 40

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